Getting Clicks and Likes

Taking advantage of social header pictures to drive traffic to your website

For some companies and businesses getting clicks and likes on their profiles and fan pages isn´t really important simply because their sales channels are different, most companies that aren´t interested in online leads have their sales channels well figured out offline, however, how to get clicks and likes in their fan pages is one of the most frequent asked questions I get.

I remember back in 2001 I was starting this computer consulting company and being online was important but we wasn’t really interested in what the internet had to offer for me, back then I was basically a computer geek offering onsite computer support and I was doing pretty well but it wasn´t until 2006 that I started my first successful online business, I started conducting business online via chat rooms and online classifieds, post on different pages, blogs, forums and other networking sites that existed at the time.

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This was the social media of the time and my name was well known in the IT community because I was Microsoft IT TechNet community director in Tijuana at the time and I was barely nineteen years old, our communication in the TechNet community was only by email and forum posts, some social media existed but weren´t as popular as they are right now.

Getting clicks and likes has always been and always will be about engaging with people, creating conversations and getting people to trust you, your fan page, and your website. Content such as pictures, thoughts, video, sound, and sharing moments of your life either personal or work will make you popular and trustworthy. These actions in turn will create conversations and gossip in your community, social media profiles, and fan pages no mather what social media site you use.

Becoming trustworthy in your community will make you the go to person for whatever your business may be and this will translate in to consultations, maybe presentations and speeches, and off course more sales and money.

As always, thank you for reading my articles and feel free to drop me a comment here or at my social media profiles. I´ll try to answer you as soon as possible.

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